Surat : Dandi Yatra became a symbol of ‘Atmanirbharta’. The Dandi Yatra started by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Sabarmati Ashram on March 18 was concluded at the National Salt Satyagraha Memorial in Dandi today. At the concluding ceremony of the Dandi Yatra, which started from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad as part of the ‘Amrut Mahotsav of Independence’ initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the occasion of 75 years of independence of the country, Vice President Venkaiah Naidu said, It is the responsibility of all of us to pass on the stories of sacrifices made by many heroic leaders of the country in the freedom struggle to the new generation. The Dandi Yatra which started from Sabarmati Ashram was not just a pilgrimage. Also, at that time there was a campaign to awaken a new mass consciousness to free the Indians from slavery. The Vice President added that citizens from all over India had joined the Dandi Yatra at that time. Contributors like Kastur Baa, Sarojini Naidu, Ramadevi, Saraswati Devi were also involved in it.

The fervor of nationalism and independence was aroused. This Dandi Yatra gave a new direction to the citizens to get independence from the British. During his visit, Mahatma Gandhi used to convey the message of freedom, cleanliness, untouchability and advocacy of Swadeshi to the citizens in the meetings held in the intervening villages. It is like learning from Gandhiji without having bitterness. Citing an example of a letter written by Mahatma Gandhi to Lord Irwin, the Vice President added that he addressed Lord Irwin as a friend in the letter. This is just as relevant in politics today. In politics now, it is important to remember that there may be differences of opinion among politicians, but it is for the India so that there should be no animosity among politicians. In a democracy, the choice of language and words should also be dignified. These are the true values ​​of democracy.

Venkaiah Naidu also said that Gandhiji’s dream India was not just about freedom. He made it clear that freedom was incomplete unless all-round development of the poor took place. Freedom is incomplete until the poor get the same benefits as the rich. It is also important to be self-reliant (Atmanirbhar) to overcome this gap. Today, the governments of the country and the state are doing a good job for the welfare of the poor, which is a matter of joy. Expressing gratitude on behalf of all Gujaratis, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani thanked the Government of India for initiating the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav program with the Dandi Yatra which started from Sabarmati, Gujarat. On the completion of 75 years of independence, by informing the new generation of India about the history of freedom struggle, Gujarat will once again be the guide of the country for building patriotism through this Dandi Yatra, which sets the direction for building a new India, added Chief Minister Rupani. Participating in the closing ceremony of the Dandi Yatra, Sikkim Chief Minister Premsinh Tamang said that Gandhiji said that power does not come only from physical force. True power comes from strong will and moral. Today is an opportunity for all of us to commit ourselves to further strengthening the country’s integrity, sovereignty and independence.