Ahmedabad : Dholavira included in the UNESCO world heritage site. Under the leadership of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, Gujarat has got one more feather in its cap. One of the oldest town of Kutch, Dholavira has been added to the list of World Heritage Sites. By placing Dholavira, the oldest town of Harappan culture of Kutch, in the list of World Heritage Sites declared by UNESCO, UNESCO has given Gujarat the pride of being a state with four World Heritage Sites. Describing the event as a proud moment for the whole Gujarat state. Chief Minister Vijay Rupani said that Dholavira has been accorded a place in the World Heritage Site as a result of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s commitment to bring India’s ancient heritage and culture to the world stage. Narendra Modi inaugurated the Kutch Ranotsav to inspire tourism and culture lovers from all over the world to come to Kutch and at the same time this ancient town Dholavira also became a center of attraction for tourism lovers interested in ancient places. The Chief Minister has also thanked the Prime Minister on behalf of all Gujaratis for this.

It is pertinent to point out here that Dholavira, situated in the Khadir desert area of ​​Kutch, is a prime example of the best town formation of about 500 years old. The houses, buildings and structures of this ancient town were built at that time not with bricks but with stones like Mohenjo-daro and Harappa. The town had well-organized and efficient systems of underground sewerage and water storage, water conservation at that time which are still exemplary today. With the inclusion of Dholavira in the World Heritage Site, Gujarat has also got the pride of being a state with four World Heritage Sites. Earlier in 2007, Champaner, in 2016, Ranki Vav, in 2017, Ahmedabad got the honor of being the world’s first World Heritage City. Now, in 2021, UNESCO has included Gujarat’s Dholavira in the list of World Heritage Sites, giving Gujarat the opportunity to shine once again on the World Heritage Map.