Gandhinagar : EWS houses to be built in Ahmedabad and Surat cities. Taking a step further towards the growth of Gujarat’s cities,Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel approved four town planning schemes in three cities of the state. The Chief Minister has approved one preliminary TP scheme and one draft TP scheme of Ahmedabad and one draft TP scheme of Junagadh. Chief Minister has also approved Surat Municipal Corporation’s initial TP Scheme No-40 Dindoli. Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation’s Preliminary TP Scheme no. 80 (Vatwa-6) and Draft TP Scheme no. 426 (Kathwada) under AUDA as well as a draft TP scheme of Junagadh Urban Development Authority TP Scheme no. 10 (Shapur) are the TP schemes that have gotten approval from the chief minister. In Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Preliminary TP Scheme no. 80 (Vatwa-6) using 4.26 hectares of land 3800 housing units will be built for people of socially and economically weaker sections. 2.73 hectares for open space/gardens and playgrounds, 5.76 hectares for public amenities and about 6.36 hectares for sale to meet the cost of infrastructural facilities, so about 19.13 hectares of land will be acquired totally. In Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority Draft TP Scheme no. 426 (Kathwada) about 3300 housing units will be constructed for the residence of people from socially and economically weaker sections with about 3.69 hectares of land. 0.94 hectares for open space/gardens and playgrounds, 0.92 hectares for public amenities and about 5.74 hectares for sale to meet the cost of infrastructural facilities, making a total land acquisition of about 11.81 hectares. A total of 7100 EWS houses will be constructed for needy families in both the TPs of Ahmedabad.

Surat Municipal Corporation’s initial TP Scheme 40 Dindoli, approved by the Chief Minister, will result in the acquisition of approximately 2.40 hectares of land where 2100 EWS houses for the socially and economically weaker sections will be constructed. This initial TP scheme of Surat includes 0.68 hectares for open space, gardens and playgrounds, 7.42 hectares for public amenities and approximately 1.99 hectares for sale to meet the cost of infrastructural facilities so a total of approximately 12.51 hectares of land will be acquired. In Junagadh Urban Development Authority Draft TP Scheme no. 10 (Shapur) about 6000 housing units will be built for the residence of people from socially and economically weaker sections with about 6.75 hectares of land. 7.76 hectares for open space/gardens and playgrounds, 7.36 hectares for public amenities and about 16.93 hectares for sale to meet the cost of infrastructural facilities, about 38.82 hectares of land will be acquired in total.