Gandhinagar : ‘Gandhi Vichar Manjusha 2020’ is the book which is, prepared by Gujarat Technological University was released from Gandhinagar by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi is being celebrated and on that occasion, this book was released. An essay competition on “Presentation of Gandhian Thought in the 21st Century” was organized for the student category and ‘Agenda 2030’ for faculties was the subject of the essay writing competition. The collected work by student participants and professors, are included in this book which is prepared by Gujarat Technological University. The articles which had presented by the students and professors, have been included in the book. The main objective to prepare this book is to know and understand Gandhian Thoughts and the role of Gandhian Thoughts in recent year. How Gandhi’s thoughts are relevant and how one can adopt that belief which was adopted by Mahatma Gandhi, have been discussed and also mentioned by the students as well as professors who had participated in that essay writing competition. In the essay competition of 2000 words in Gujarati, Hindi and English language, a total of 10 winners were awarded Rs. 21,000 to Up to Rs. 1000 prizes were awarded. Essays of the first 10 winners in the category of students as well as professors, means in both these categories have been included in the book ‘Gandhi Vichar Manjusha 2020’. In this essay competition, 55 professors in the faculty category, while a total of 323 students in the student category enthusiastically participated and discussed Gandhian approaches in different areas. Out of which the best 10 students and professors have been selected. On the occasion of this release, the Vice Chancellor of Gujarat Technology University, Prof. Dr. Naveen Seth, Registrar Dr. K. N. Kher, Assistant Registrar Dr. Ashok Chawda and other professors including Dr. Gohil were present.
‘Gandhi Vichar Manjusha 2020’ book released by CM