Morbi : Govt. will overcome the situation of Covid said chief minister in Morbi today. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani held a high-level meeting with district officials in Morbi to curb the second wave of corona transmission and said that Gujarat has taken effective steps to control the spread of corona. Emphasizing on Testing, Tracing and Treatment (Three T formula), the Chief Minister said that the Govt. would overcome the challenge of Corona’s current condition with the co-operation of people. In Morbi, in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel, the Chief Minister said in a conversation with media that the situation is under control in Morbi. In the second wave, the cases of Corona have increased in Morbi like it has in other cities too, but effective measures are being taken which have ensured arrangements to control the transmission by testing more people. Also, the Chief Minister said that arrangements for corona testing of the entire village would be ensured in the rural areas where the transmission of corona is high. He further said that adequate supply of medical oxygen is available in Morbi although the administration has been directed to take action to set up a mini-plant for medical oxygen considering the urgent need. Permission has been granted to increase the staff as well infrastructure facilities in 35 health centers of the district. Required medicines and facilities are being provided in Morbi Civil Hospital. There are sufficient Remdesivir injection while new 700 injections will be allotted tomorrow. The CM said, Experts believe that unnecessary use of Remdesivir injections damages vital organs such as the liver and kidneys.  The government has a sufficient amount but it should be taken only if it is needed as per the advice of an expert doctor. The Chief Minister welcome the arrangements being made in the coordination MP Mohanbhai Kundaria for the vaccination, awareness, co-operative care centers being set up in collaboration with public institutions.

Expressing satisfaction over the steps taken by the district administration of Morbi to curb the transition to corona, the Chief Minister directed to make special appointments in the management of Morbi Civil Hospital to ensure that all patients get the best possible treatment. At the same time, CM instructed the police to take action against those who do not wear masks. He also instructed the police and concerned department officials not to allow any Covid affected patient to move out of the micro containment zone. The Meeting chaired by CM was joined by Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel, MP Mohanbhai Kundaria, MLA Parshottam Sabria, District BJP President Durbhaljibhai Detharia, Chief Secretary Anil Mukim, Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister K. Kailasanathan, Principal Secretary to Health Department Jayanti Ravi, In-charge Secretary of Govt. Manisha Chandra, District Collector, Range I.G., District Police Chief, Additional Collector, RMO of Civil Hospital and officials from civil.