Ahmedabad : Gujarat surpasses 2.50 crores doses of corona vaccine. Gujarat has crossed the number of 2.50 crore vaccine doses in the infallible vaccination campaign against coronavirus. Under the guidance of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, the vaccination campaign across the state is getting wide response due to the efforts of health workers and public awareness. Accordingly, 2,53,93,866 vaccination doses have been given in the state till Tuesday, June 29, 2021 to those eligible for vaccination above the age of 18 years. Out of total 4,93,20,903 eligible persons in the age group of above 18 years in the state, 40 per cent i.e., 1,98,62,582 persons have been given first dose till date and 55 lakh 31 thousand 284 persons have been given second dose. Thus, 2 crore 53 lakh 93 thousand 866 vaccination doses have been given in Gujarat so far. In ‘per million vaccinations’, Gujarat has also been a leading state among the major states in the country. The number of ‘per million vaccinations’ in Gujarat is 3 lakh 97 thousand 572. It is pertinent to point out here that out of a total of 4 crore 93 lakh eligible persons above the age of 18 years who are to be given two doses of coronavirus vaccine, 2 crore 53 lakh doses out of 9.86 crore doses which is 25 per cent doses have been given so far. Under the guidance of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, phase-wise vaccination was started in Gujarat from January 16. In the first phase, vaccination was planned for health and frontline workers, in the second phase starting from March 1, comorbid and elderly people, in the third phase starting from April 1, people above 45 years of age and in the fourth phase, people aged 18 to 44 years were vaccinated.

Following the successful implementation of the vaccination campaign of health workers, frontline workers and comorbid individuals, the state government started giving vaccinations to the youth of the state from 1st May – the Gujarat Foundation Day. From 1st May, 30,000 doses per day were given in 7 metros and 3 districts of the state. The core committee, chaired by Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, had decided to give 1 lakh doses daily instead of 30,000 doses at these 10 places for a week from 24th May. Meanwhile, the process of giving the second dose to the persons who received the first dose in previous three phases continued. Chief Minister Vijay Rupani took an important decision to start a state-wide vaccination campaign covering urban-rural areas in all the districts of the state from 4th June and under this campaign, a state-wide program of comprehensive vaccination of youth is underway. Since 3 pm on World Yoga Day – 21st June, vaccination operations are being carried out on the spot at all vaccination centres across the state under walk-in-registration, depending on the availability of vaccine doses. As a result of this successful campaign of providing free vaccination to the citizens implemented by the state government under the leadership of CM Vijay Rupani, in just five months since the start of vaccination campaign in Gujarat, 2 crore 53 lakh 93 thousand doses have been given to the people.