Ahmedabad : India and Sweden share common goals in the needs of innovation. The 22nd India-Sweden Innovation Accelerator delegation workshop was concluded successfully. The day-long event was organized by the Swedish Energy Agency, with Business Sweden -The Swedish Trade and Invest Council and the Confederation of Indian Industry – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (CII-GBC) in Hyderabad are the local program partners. India and Sweden share common goals when it comes to the need for innovation to boost national competitiveness and meet rising resource demand in an era of energy scarcity and climate change. The India-Sweden Innovations Accelerator (ISIA) program, which is the flagship program to promote Green-tech cooperation between both countries, has accelerated the pace of green transition by harnessing innovative and next generation sustainability technologies. This program in its 11th year has grown over the last decade and is recognized as a flagship program to promote energy efficiency collaboration between the 2 countries and highlighted in India Sweden Joint Action Plan 2018 Signed by Prime Ministers of India-Sweden. The ISIA program has introduced more than 60 Swedish clean-tech companies, resulting in over 200 projects across India and six local subsidiaries thereby contributing towards Make in India and Clean India Programs. As part of this delegation, one day workshop on Innovative clean technologies and B-to-B meetings among Swedish delegates & Indian companies was organised in Ahmedabad. During this workshop, the participating Swedish companies shared their innovative technologies and showcased solutions that can accelerate pace of green transition across sectors including renewable energy, efficient water conservation technologies and energy storage solutions.

The need of the hour is bringing innovation to upscale and enhance the efforts towards energy efficient technologies, resource efficiency and renewable energy which may lead to much needed GHG reduction and help in mitigating the climate change impacts. The efforts taken by Swedish Energy Agency, Business Sweden, and Confederation of Indian Industry to develop this unique “India Sweden Innovations’ Accelerator” platform, is in line with the needs of the industry, with an objective to bring Indian and Swedish companies on a common platform which can facilitate the technology transfer. The objective is also to build much needed bridges towards joint innovation, research, development, and deployment.
Darshan Shah, Chairman – Gujarat State Council 2023-24
Cecilia Oskarsson, Trade Commissioner, Business Sweden, in her special address highlighted the bilateral relationship between India and Sweden, which has the ambition, vision – and capacity – to deliver clean, affordable, and secure energy to people for generations to come; create sustainable growth, jobs, and prosperity; and provide exponential hope to the people of India. Working on the overall theme of “Pioneer the Possible”, Sweden has established multiple programs, frameworks, and agreements to strengthen the co-creation and development of sustainable solutions. Lisa Olin, Country Manager – India, Swedish Energy Agency delivered the theme address. She talked about the history and journey of India Sweden Innovations Accelerator program and Sustainability by Sweden showroom in India. The workshop had participation from over 70 eminent industry leaders, government agencies, associations, technology and service providers, and senior Industry professionals amongst many others.