Ahmedabad : There are various social issues in society and they must have some concrete platform where people can discuss about. In today’s digital world, use of proper social media and proper use of social media are very important. Social media are the platform where anyone can make people aware and can keep them awake about various issues which are prevailing in the society. There are many tools of communication through which such issues can be discussed or can be brought into the notice of the people. Very good and appreciable initiative has been started by the students of Development Communication of Gujarat University. These students have initiated campaigns, which are based on social issues by creating awareness and developmental changes on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. To physically promote this online awareness campaign, on 12th March, students had organized an exhibition and installation. Five different issues like Casteism India, Nourish your dreams, Rest.In.Plastic, Pair for पैर and Haq se Human were raised by students. This unique exhibition was inaugurated by Pro Vice Chancellor of Gujarat University Jagdish Bhavsar and known poet and writer Tushar Shukla. Students have exhibited their thoughts on canvas and cardboards and the main aim was to make people and other students aware about the various social issues which need to be highlighted. On this occasion Tushar Shukla said that, “Social issues which are discussed here are not uncommon, but the way of conveying was fascinating. These students have done incredible work and snatched all the attention by showcasing different social issues.”

On the other side, the HOD of the department, who constantly help students, nourish their thoughts and career, said that, “Teaching in a classroom, just gives the knowledge but to get actual learnings one needs to go through the practical process, we at the department strive for the same with our students by giving them real life exposure.” Very versatile media professional and advertising consultant Rebeca Sudan was the mentor of the students in this entire process. As a mentor she added that, “Students used multiple unique ways to deliver their message rather than drafting thesis on paper.” On the betterment of the society issue, well known PR Professional Chetan Chauhan said that “This one-month long campaign shows how enthusiastic and energetic the youth is and willing to work towards the betterment of society in their own way.” As this exhibition was the result of month long activities and brain storming, students were also satisfied and happy with their work.