National Desk : In many parts of the Gujarat where the monsoon is at its peak and there is heavy raining where as there are many areas where people are still waiting for rain. If we talk about South Gujarat, rain has created conditions like floods, then central Gujarat is still forced to sweat in hot summer situation. However, the Meteorological Department has forecast rain in these areas in coming days.
According to the director of the Indian Meteorological Department, ‘If you look north-western India, we hope that in the next 72 hours, the monsoon can move forward in the remaining areas of North India.
For, north and central Gujarat, he said that in the next four-five days they will also have good rainfall. However, there is a possibility of scattered rainfall in various parts of north and central Gujarat, but there will be light to moderate rains here.
At National level, the capital of the country is in the grip of heat and mercury in parts of the city has reached 43 degree Celsius. According to the Meteorological Department, Delhi also has the lowest rainfall region in June. It received 90 percent less rainfall than normal.