Gandhinagar : Review meeting was held by chief minister with leading bankers. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel stated that the State Government is committed to provide a conducive environment for MSMEs being as a bridge between small and medium enterprises, MSME sector and bankers. In this context, CM said that co-ordination between industries and banks is also essential for the industrial, social and economic development of the state. The Chief Minister addressed a review meeting on issues and problems of MSME sector loan-lending with leading bankers organized by MSME Commissionerate and Finance Department of the state. CM added that Covid-19 pandemic has hit may small entrepreneurs, banks have undertaken to ensure that the benefit of the assistance scheme package given by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to rehabilitate them is well received by such industrialists and traders of the state. He also said that the overall performance of banks is positive in providing loan-finance.However, he suggested that the big and small issues of the industrialists be taken into consideration in the State Level Bankers Committee S.L.B.C and shall be resolved immediately.

Minister of Finance Kanu Desai, Minister of State for Industry Jagdish Vishwakarma, Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar as well as RBI Regional Director Panigrahy, SLBC-Convener Bansal and other senior secretaries of the state government, Attended the meeting. Representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Officials of Rajkot Engineering Association made various representations touching on MSME in this meeting. Bansal gave a detailed presentation on various aspects of customer and industry oriented services and loans, lending assistance provided by a total of 9977 branches in the state including 4048 urban, 2337 semi-urban and 3592 rural branches including nationalized banks. CM also released a compodium with guidelines for MSME industries and a compilation of schemes. Samsher Singh, Chief General Manager, State Bank of India, thanked everyone.