Ahmedabad : State’s IAS S.J.Haider engages with the CII Gujarat members on Industrial Policies in Gujarat. The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Gujarat hosted S .J. Haider, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Industries and Mines Department, Government of Gujarat, at the CII House in Ahmedabad for an exclusive policy interaction with its members. The session was attended by approximately 25 representatives from diverse sectors across Gujarat.
Kulin Lalbhai, Chairman, CII Gujarat State Council along with Premraj Keshyap, Vice Chairman, Gujarat State Council, Vinod Agrawal, and Nirav Shah leading the Policy Advocacy, EoDB, and EA Panel, along with Rajeev Mishra, Director of Western Region & State Head Gujarat, extended a warm welcome to Mr. Haider on behalf of CII and its members.
The interaction focused on crucial policy discussions related to the chemical industry, renewable energy, startups, the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, textiles, ‘Atmanirbhar’ Schemes and education. IAS S. J. Haider shared current updates from the state and the vision of the Government of Gujarat in making India a 5 trillion US dollar economy. He spoke about the contribution that Gujarat envisions to make in making this dream come true.

Gujarat presently contributes around 8.3-8.4 per cent to the GDP and for India to become the third largest economy by 2027-28, with a GDP of over USD 5 trillion, Gujarat aspires to contribute around 10 per cent to the national GDP in 2027-28.
S.J.Haider – Additional Chief Secretary, Industries and Mines Department, Government of Gujarat
Underscoring the importance of in-depth understanding of the focus sectors of the Government, Kulin Lalbhai, Chairman, CII Gujarat State Council shared his views,
CII Gujarat aims to work closely with the Government this year in identifying and strengthening those sectors that will remain key in the years to come. Anticipating changes in Gujarat’s working landscape, this year we have introduced a Panel on Services with strong leadership to start a thoughtful conversation on the Services sector in Gujarat.
Kulin Lalbhai – Chairman, CII Gujarat State Council
The session concluded with a constructive dialogue that highlighted the collaborative spirit between the government and industry leaders. Industry leaders expressed their appreciation for Mr. Haider’s insights and commitment to fostering a conducive business environment in Gujarat.