Rajkot : Meteorological Department did a forecast for heavy to very heavy rain in various parts of Saurastra in next three days. Amid heavy rain forecasts, all administrators’ leave in Rajkot district has been canceled. The collector has ordered not to leave the headquarter as well. Saurashtra has received heavy rainfall forecast for 10 dates.
Regarding heavy rains in Rajkot city-district, the collector said, “We have enough preparation. Currently, Rajkot has one NDRF and two SDRF teams deployed. Therefore, in the Rajkot city-district, if any disasters occurs and if necessary, 56 army personnel can be called from Jamnagar for help.
According to the Meteorological Department, a new rainfall system is currently being developed in the Bay of Bengal. The new low pressure is happening in the North East Bay. It will be heavy rain for three days from Friday. The rain will start from central Gujarat. Which will gradually come to Saurashtra. However, this rainfall will be universal. According to the Meteorological Department, the rains will continue till August 11. There will be enough scattered rain right now.
In Rajkot, even in 2 inches of rain, because of poor drainage system in city, Rajkotians have to face severe water logging problem.