Ahmedabad : Summer is gripping Gujarat state and mercury crossed almost 42 degrees. Today Ahmedabad experienced the hottest day as mercury reached 43 degree. Same situation is in Rajkot City. Rajkot was the hottest city in the state with 43.3 degrees yesterday, when the mercury of the all pilgrimages was reached up as the election season is reaching at the top in Saurastra region. In the meantime, on Thursday, Rajkot municipal commissioner, Banchhanidhi Pani has declared an Orange Alert in Rajkot City. Along with this, the urban population has been advised not to go out without any important work from 1 to 5 in the afternoon. People are also taking cold drinks to avoid heat.

In the Rajkot this year, it seems like the beginning of the summer is like heat extracting. Temperatures of up to 3 degrees in just two days were lifted. People are facing severe heat since morning. And it has been suggested that from 1 to 5 pm, children and senior citizens should also avoid getting out. The Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of temperatures remaining to be between 42-44 degree for next two days.