Gandhinagar : Chief Minister Vijay Rupani released the CM. Dashboard, the collector and district development officers of all the districts of the state held a meeting with the Chief Minister’s residence at Gandhinagar, where 10 government flagged schemes of the Government of India got detailed information on the progress of the work being done in their district and the plan to complete the targeted work. He urged the Collector and District Development Officers to take care of the schemes to ensure that these beneficiaries are not deprived of the benefits of the schemes in the timely manner.


Vijay Rupani also reviewd various schemes like the Prime Minister's Awas Yojana (Rural and Urban) Ujjwala Yojna, Clean India campaign, Awyushman Bharat Scheme, complete vaccination of children and pregnant mothers. In addition to the schemes that help poor and rural families like Matru scheme Integrated Bal Vikas Yojana, in the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Rural Skills Scheme. Exposed employment, open-minded India and cleanliness campaign Period Margin rankings, the state also undertook a thorough and comprehensive review of the district concerned.
At the review meeting, Chief Secretary Dr. J.N.Singh, Senior Secretaries of Revenue, Panchayat, Urban Development, Health, Rural Development, Civil Supplies etc., including Chief Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, also joined.