Ahmedabad : Chief Minister Vijay Rupani opened the mock-up coach of the Ahmedabad Metro Rail today for the public observation and information.
He said that this coach has come as a model from South Korea, which will give citizens the idea of ​​the facility of Metro trains. Chief Minister said that in the first fortnight of January 2019, trail will be run on the 6.50 kilometer route of Vastral to Apparel Park. By 2020, the metro train will be run in Ahmedabad.
He added that in addition to the therapeutic approval for the Surat Metro, and also started work on ground work, Surat would also be linked to the Metro facility.
The Chief Minister said this project, which will be started with the objective to increase the public mobility, said that this project would facilitate traffic for the urban people and also save people’s time. Vijay Rupani gave a familiar introduction to this mock-up coach with children with disabilities.


Metro Project M.D. I.P. Gautam said, for the first five years, 3 coaches metro will be run in FE-1. However, all the metro stations in the city are built on the capacity of the 6 coach trains. The metro train coach has given a detailed review of the delivery schedule and said that the first train of Ahmedabad Metro will reach South Korea from Ahmedabad by December 2018. And then it will be prepared at the Khokra-Apparel Park Depot. The second train will arrive from South Korea in Ahmedabad in the last week of January, 2019. The students studying in Civil Engineering have also been arranged to visit the metro site and to study it, he added.
The specialty of this train is that each line operates and controls from the train control room. A driver is kept on the driver's seat. Whenever there is any technical disruption or failure, the train can operate properly.
Mega company has selected 606 engineers to run the train and to maintain it. 116 candidates out of these candidates have been sent to Metro Rail Corporation for necessary training.