Ahmedabad : 3rd phase of voting for 93 seats will be held on 7th May, 2024. Gujarat will also have voting on the same day. As people are going to cast their vote for their candidates for Lok Sabha, it is really necessary to know your polling booth. The question is, how to find your polling booth for voting. Here are the steps through which one can know his/her polling booth to cast vote. There are various methods through which you can know you rpolling booth. All the information related to your polling booth is available online.
Polling Station Search:
- One can search his/her polling station online by visitng this portal. https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/
- After clicking on this portal, you will get choice to search polling station. Search with EPIC, Search with Information and Search with mobile.
- Click on Search by EPIC and then enter EPIC number, Name of a state and Captcha.
- After entering all these details, click search, you will get to know about you polling station.

Voters Helpline Application
- Election Commission has created an official mobile application for the ease of the voters. Such application can be downloaded through Google Play store.
- One can find polling booth without login on this application
- In this application, you can click on ‘Search your name in Electoral Roll‘ and then proceed.
- multiple options will seen like Search with QR code, Search with mobile, Search with information, Search with EPIC (where EPIC is your voter card number)
- Through any option, you can know your polling station.
Through all these procedures, you can know your polling booth. The election commission has made such a good arrangement for the voters that now you can get all the information related to polling station or pollling dates and also about your candidates. The online system saves lots of time and it can easily be accessed at any place and at any time.