Gandhinagar : Yoga coaches – yoga trainers received certificates from chief minister Vijay Rupani. Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on the occasion of 7th World Yoga Day handed over certificates to yoga coaches and yoga trainers at a function organised by the Gujarat State Yog Board. He expressed his determination to expand the reach of yoga to the masses through 25 thousand yoga classes and 1 lakh yoga trainers in the coming days in the state. In this context, he clearly said that in order to increase the happiness index along with the GDP in our state,we aim to create a divine Gujarat, a civilized Gujarat by making everyone’s body, mind, intellect and soul healthy through yoga. On this occasion, Minister of State for Sports and Culture Ishwarsinh Patel, Chairman of Yoga Board Shishpal, Member of the Board of Directors Bhanubhai Chauhan and Additional Chief Secretary C.V. Som joined in Gandhinagar. The CM addressed the yoga trainers-yoga coaches and office bearers present at the district headquarters of the state through video conferencing. The global pandemic of Corona has now inspired the whole world towards yoga-pranayama.But this yoga culture was started by our Maharshi Patanjali five thousand years ago, said CM. CM Rupani said that it was due to the efforts of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world today. He added that nations of the West followed sports like jogging, gym which does not released the mental stress.

The countries of the world, including the nations of the West, have now turned to Yoga, Sadhana and Pranayama because it is the only way to keep our body, mind, intellect and personal life happy and healthy,added CM. CM proudly mentioned that India’s invaluable legacy of yoga has now become a necessity for physical, mental well-being and peace across the world. He said that in the last three years, through the State Yoga Board in Gujarat, activities including training of yoga classes, preparation of 750 coaches, 53 thousand trainers to expand the spread of yoga in villages and towns are getting active cooperation. CM Rupani called upon for yogmay Gujarat with the mantra of “’Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhaya” to make yoga more and more popular among the people. Minister of State for Sports Ishwarsinh Patel appreciated the response received in the state in this year’s celebration of World Yoga Day. Formation of a yog board in the state under the guidance of the Chief Minister and the innovative practice of spreading yoga from house to house through it has attracted attention in the country. State Yog Board Chairman Shishpal explained the multiple activities of the State Yoga Board and the role of 53 thousand trainers-yoga coaches in making yoga a part of the daily life. On this occasion, the Chief Minister also launched the theme song ‘Have to bas ek Vaat Yogmay bane Gujarat”.