Gandhinagar : ICCMDP-2023 organized at Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar. The second edition of the three-day International Conference on Condensed Matter and Device Physics ICCMDP-2023 was organized by the Department of Physics, Pandit Deendayal Energy University from 27 – 29 September 2023. This conference has served as a platform for the exchange of ground-breaking ideas, the exploration of cutting-edge research, and the fostering of invaluable networks in the field of condensed matter and device physics. The keynote address was delivered by Jaimin Desai, Deputy Director SAC-ISRO on Materials used for Space Cameras / Payloads of SAC–ISRO. The plenary talk was delivered by Pradeep Vempaty from Micron Technology on opportunities in semiconductor research in India and globally. Prof. S S Sundarmanohara, Director General, PDEU enlightened the participants with his visionary presidential address. ICCMDP -2023 witnessed around 250 total participants out of them 45 were faculty members and 160 were research scholars. In these three days, we had 18 invited talks with 04 overseas speakers, 77 oral presentations, 113 poster presentations, 4 young scientist presentations and an exciting visit to one of its kind 45 MW solar panel fabrication plant facilities at PDEU campus. ICCMDP – 2023 was financially supported by CSIR, GUJCOST. Best poster and oral awards were sponsored by ACS. Dr. Satyam Shinde, Convener and Dr. Ankur Solanki, Organizing secretary of ICCMDP – 2023 conveyed their sincere thanks to all participants, invited speakers, PDEU management, faculties, students and support staff for setting a benchmark for success through ICCMDP – 2023. The conference concluded with award distributions to the winners and safe journey wishes to all.