Gandhinagar : Villagers got surprised with the sudden visit of chief minister Bhupendra Patel. Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel has emerged in the public mind as a gentle yet firm Chief Minister who shows his easy-going nature and sensitivity towards the problems faced by the common man. After taking over the charge as the Chief Minister for the second consecutive time, he Chief Minister has given clear instructions to the government departments, district administrators for prompt redressal of public complaints. Not only that, now Chief Minister himself has taken a new approach of making surprise visits to villages and towns and meeting the people directly, sitting among the people and listening to their complaints. He visits villages without any pre-determined program or instructions and listens to the people’s complaints. Taking forward this approach Chief Minister along with Chief Secretary Pankajkumar visited Bapupura, Vadasan and Vihar villages of Mansa taluka of Gandhinagar district. The villagers were surprised with the sudden visit of Chief Minister and the Chief Secretary in their village to listen to the people’s questions.

In these villages, the Chief Minister sat with the villagers and asked the problems faced by them. The chief minister started a round of interaction with the village elders, senior citizens, youth, teachers, rural mothers etc. The people of this villages made proposals to the Chief Minister without any hesitation like barbed wire fence to protect the crops from cattle in the village, facilities for animal hospital, to start a library and to link the lakes of the two villages and give its water for agriculture and irrigation and to allocate space for the high school ground of the village. The Chief Minister gave on-the-spot instructions to Chief Secretary Pankaj kumar and District Development Officer Surbhi Gautam, Provincial Officer, Mamlatdar etc. for prompt and reasonable redressal in relation to all these complaints. He also visited Vihar Gram Panchayat Ghar and also visited the Hanumanji temple in the village. All the villagers appreciated this public interest sensitive approach of Chief Minister and expressed their feeling that the good governance can be realized under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and under the direction of Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel.